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Ministry Needs
Your gifts will help men and women grab hold of the Lifeline to Success and plant them firmly on the road from prison to promise. If you can help with these ministry needs, please contact us.
Help with basic supplies:
Clothing – Business and personal attire.
Office Supplies – Pads of paper, pens, tape, staples, reams of copy paper, hilighters, binders and folders. Useful for the members to take notes and keep files for paperwork.
Computers – Assists with job training.
Software – Office, Word, Excel, Access (2000 or later).
Non-Perishable Food Baskets
Help lower our overhead:
Building/House – Any type of space that we could use for classes and a meeting place.
House – Can be arranged as a transitional place for a family in need (short-term housing) or as a donation of a monthly lease/rent of low-cost apartments.
Monetary Donation – Always helpful for the office and to assist in emergencies for members (help with MLGW, phone, rent, etc.).